when to vote
Local Primary
Tuesday June 24, 2025
State, Federal and City Primary elections are now all on the same day.
how to vote
Arm Yourself With Information
Make your vote count. Find out about the candidates before an election. Not Voting means your voice will not be heard. A blank vote does not count. An election can be won by one vote.

A simple change of address can make a big difference. Register to vote at least 30 days before an election to make sure your registration is in the book at your poll site.

It is critical to vote where you live. A paper ballot must be used to vote. Affidavit or provisional ballots do not guarantee a vote that counts. Your ballot may not represent your candidates for your district. Errors in filling out the form can invalidate a ballot.

Carefully read and follow instructions on the ballot. Use a blue or black pen. Fill in the oval next to your choice. Do not circle or cross out choices. Use a write-in, when a choice is not present. If you make a mistake, ask for a new ballot. Use a ballot marking device to help fill out a ballot.

If you cannot vote on Election Day, use an Absentee Ballot. Mailed Absentee ballots must be signed and postmarked before election day. Absentee ballots are now accepted at poll sites on election day. New York poll sites are not authorized to accept other state absentee ballots.

All valid votes will be counted. If all ballot scanners are not working at a poll site, emergency ballot procedures will be implemented. Ballots will be counted after 9pm in New York State. Ballots unreadable by scanner will be manually tabulated. All valid votes will be certified within twenty one days after an election.

Board of Elections in the City of New York
Poll sites in New York City are open during the following hours: 6am-9pm. Once inside, a voter must be allowed to vote.

Voting outside your Election District will not count. Make sure you are voting where you live.
Use the Poll Site Locator to find your pollsite.